Can Spinach Really Make You Stronger?

Can Spinach Really Make You Stronger?

It’s an image embedded in our collective subconscious: Popeye eats his spinach and his biceps turn into mountains or engine pistons, allowing him to perform all kinds of awesome strength feats. This is all entertaining and fun, but can spinach actually make you stronger? The answer may surprise you. Can Spinach Actually Make You Stronger?…

Spinach is rich in nutrients, as Popeye knew.

4 Health Benefits of Spinach

For those familiar with Popeye, spinach is the quintessential healthy food. In reality, while this vegetable won’t make your biceps grow instantly, it does offer many interesting health benefits you should keep in mind. Spinach is High in Antioxidants Spinach is notoriously rich in antioxidants. These compounds neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals that cause…