Closeup of pistachios illustrates blog "Are Pistachios Vegan?"

Are Pistachios Vegan?

In the expanding universe of dietary choices and ethical eating, the question of whether certain foods fit into specific diets is more relevant than ever. For vegans, who avoid all animal products, navigating the world of nuts, seeds, and legumes can sometimes be straightforward. But do pistachios, those small, flavorful, and nutrition-packed nuts, fit the…

Closeup of chocolate illustrates blog "Is Chocolate Considered Dairy?"

Is Chocolate Considered Dairy?

Chocolate is a beloved treat enjoyed by millions around the world, cherished for its rich flavor and comforting qualities. However, for those navigating dietary restrictions or preferences, such as veganism or lactose intolerance, questions often arise about chocolate’s ingredients, particularly whether chocolate is considered dairy. Let’s find out. Is Chocolate Considered Dairy? At its most…

Closeup of oranges.

Are Oranges and Tangerines the Same?

Oranges and tangerines are two popular citrus fruits that share similar characteristics, leading to occasional confusion about their differences. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the distinct features of oranges and tangerines to clarify whether they are indeed the same fruit or if there are noteworthy distinctions between the two. Are Oranges and Tangerines…

Closeup of three strawberries with one cut in half.

Are Strawberries Rich in Iron?

Strawberries  are renowned for their high vitamin C content and antioxidant properties. But, as you might imagine, they contain other nutrients, such as iron. But how much, exactly? Keep reading to find out. Are strawberries rich in iron? While strawberries may not be the first food that comes to mind when thinking about iron-rich sources,…

Closeup of halved peaches.

Are Peaches Citrus Fruits?

Peaches, those juicy orbs of sweet ambrosia, often leave us pondering a fruity riddle: Are they part of the citrus family? After all, they seem to share some traits in common. Let’s peel back the layers of this question to provide an answer. Are Peaches Citrus Fruits? Peaches and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons…