What Is Miso?

What Is Miso?

Miso is a traditional Japanese paste whose main ingredients are grains and soybeans. The Japanese revere this product and use it to enhance the nutritional value and the flavor of a wide array of dishes What Is the Process to Make Miso? Miso is the product of a double fermentation process. First, steamed grains (rice…

Who Invented Barbecue?

Who Invented Barbecue?

Barbecue is one of the most American dishes, up there with apple pie and cheeseburgers. At the same time, few foods have regional variations that inspire such fierce loyalty among locals. No doubt, this dish is an important part of American culture. But who invented barbecue? Taino Origins According to the most accredited versions, barbecue…

Are potatoes good for you?

Are Potatoes Good for You?

Potatoes get a bad rap due to their association with unhealthy snacks. After all, French fries are almost synonymous with junk food. However, this vegetable is much more than an entry on the menu of fast-food restaurants. Some Historical Facts First, a couple of interesting historical facts. Potatoes are native to the Peruvian-Bolivian Andes. The…