Photo of plate of spaghetti with fork and tomatoes beside it illustrates blog: "Where Does Spaghetti Come From?"

Where Does Spaghetti Come From?

One of the most iconic Italian dishes, spaghetti boasts a complicated, fascinating story. Learn where spaghetti comes from, plus other interesting facts about the king of pasta. Where Does Spaghetti Come From? As everyone knows, Spaghetti is one of the most popular Italian dishes. But where does it come from, exactly? The answer is more…

Photo of salmon fillet illustrates blog: "What Is Blackened Salmon? "

What Is Blackened Salmon? 

Did you know that salmon is the second most-consumed seafood species in the United States? With this background in mind, it’s no surprise to discover that there are myriad ways to prepare salmon, including by blackening it. Keep reading to learn more. What Is Blackened Salmon? When we talk about blackened salmon, we refer to…

Photo of dill dip illustrates blog: "What Is Dill?"

What Is Dill?

With its citrus undertones, dill can punch up any dish, from soups to sandwiches and salads. Keep reading to learn more about dill, from a basic definition to an easy dill dip recipe anyone can make at home. What Is Dill? Dill is an annual herb that belongs to the parsley family and is often…

Photo of plate of gnocchi illustrates blog; "Who Invented Gnocchi?"

Who Invented Gnocchi?

Gnocchi is an everyday treat for Italians, but remains one of the lesser-known entries in one of the world’s most popular culinary traditions. In this post, we tell you who first published the recipe for gnocchi, along with other interesting details about this Italian classic.  What Is Gnocchi? Gnocchi are small dumplings made with flour…

Photo of bowl of zoodles illustrates blog: "Can You Freeze Zoodles?"

Can You Freeze Zoodles?

Fun, healthy, and an infallible conversation-starter, zoodles are a sensation among food lovers everywhere. But can you freeze zoodles? In this post, we answer this question and give you some useful tips about everyone’s favorite alternative to traditional pasta. What Are Zoodles? Although they sound like the culinary version of mad libs (why else would…