Chicken French dish poulet rôti.

What Are Some French Chicken Dishes?

French cuisine is renowned for its rich flavors, meticulous preparation, and culinary creativity. When it comes to chicken dishes, French chefs have perfected a variety of delightful recipes that showcase the versatility of this ingredient. From classic coq au vin to succulent chicken fricassee, let’s delve into the world of French chicken dishes that are…

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Person holding pizza.

Is Pizza Dough Made with Eggs?

When it comes to making pizza dough, there are numerous variations and recipes that differ in ingredients and methods. However, one common question that often arises is whether pizza dough contains eggs. Let’s find out.  Understanding Traditional Pizza Dough Traditional Neapolitan pizza, which is known for its simplicity and minimalistic approach to ingredients, typically consists…

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Closeup of slices of avocado illlustrates blog "Are Bananas Related to Avocados?"

Are bananas related to avocados?

Bananas and avocados are both beloved fruits enjoyed for their distinct flavors, versatility, and nutritional benefits. While they may share some similarities in appearance and culinary uses, are bananas related to avocados? Let’s delve into the fascinating world of plant taxonomy to uncover the relationship between these two popular fruits. Are bananas related to avocados?…

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Closeup of chocolate illustrates blog "Is Chocolate Considered Dairy?"

Is Chocolate Considered Dairy?

Chocolate is a beloved treat enjoyed by millions around the world, cherished for its rich flavor and comforting qualities. However, for those navigating dietary restrictions or preferences, such as veganism or lactose intolerance, questions often arise about chocolate’s ingredients, particularly whether chocolate is considered dairy. Let’s find out. Is Chocolate Considered Dairy? At its most…

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Potatpes atop tablecloth.

Are Potatoes Considered Produce?

As you probably know, potatoes are some of the most popular vegetables out there. But are they considered produce? In today’s blog, we answer this question and delve into what produce is (and what is not) as well as the nutrient profile of potatoes.  Are Potatoes Considered Produce? To answer this question, let’s first take…

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Closeup of oranges.

Are Oranges and Tangerines the Same?

Oranges and tangerines are two popular citrus fruits that share similar characteristics, leading to occasional confusion about their differences. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the distinct features of oranges and tangerines to clarify whether they are indeed the same fruit or if there are noteworthy distinctions between the two. Are Oranges and Tangerines…

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Closeup of strawberries.

Are Raspberries and Strawberries True Berries?

While raspberries and strawberries are common favorites in the berry realm, the botanical classification of these fruits might surprise you. Let’s explore the fascinating world of berries and unravel the mystery behind whether raspberries and strawberries are considered true berries. What Is a True Berry? In botanical terms, a true berry is a fleshy fruit…

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Closeup of carrots.

Do Carrots Need to be Refrigerated?

Carrots are a versatile vegetable, used in everything from salads and stews to cakes and smoothies. But how should we store them to ensure they stay fresh and crisp?  The Basics of Carrot Storage In short yes, refrigerating your carrots is the best way to store them if you don’t plan to eat them immediately,…

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Fresh zucchini on plate.

Is Italian Squash the Same as Zucchini?

Squash is a versatile ingredient that comes in multiple varieties, each with its unique taste, texture, and culinary uses. Among these varieties, the term “Italian squash” often comes up, causing some confusion. Is Italian squash the same as zucchini? Keep reading to find out. Is Italian Squash the Same as Zucchini? In short, yes, Italian…

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